User`s guide

128 Adept Cobra PLC600/PLC800 Robot User’s Guide, Rev C
Move_Robot - Controller Tag Listing Page 17
Adept_PLC_Server_ControlLogix_Example:MainTask:MainProgram 6/3/2004 5:51:11 PM
Tag Name Type Description
Adept_Acceleration INT Motion acceleration and deceleration
Adept_Approach_Height INT Approach height (dependent on
Adept_Motion Qualifier.8)
Adept_Command_Bits INT Robot command bits
Adept_Command_Bits.0 BOOL Off=Disable high power On=Enable
Adept_Command_Bits.1 BOOL Off=No effect On=Update Adept_He
Adept_Command_Bits.5 BOOL Off=No effect On=Reset faults
Adept_Command_Bits.6 BOOL Off=No effect On=Calibrate robot
Adept_Command_Bits.7 BOOL Off=No effect On=Jog robot
Adept_Command_Bits.8 BOOL Off=No effect On=Move robot
Adept_Command_Bits.9 BOOL Off=No effect On=Download Adept_
Adept_Command_Bits.10 BOOL Off=No effect On=Download Adept_
Adept_Current_Motion_Counter INT
Adept_Location_Number INT Location number
Adept_Motion_Qualifiers INT Motion qualifier bits
Adept_Motion_Qualifiers.0 BOOL Off=Absolute motion On=Relative m
Adept_Motion_Qualifiers.1 BOOL Off=Transformation On=Precision P
Adept_Motion_Qualifiers.8 BOOL Off=Relative app. height On=Global
Adept_Motion_Qualifiers.9 BOOL 0ff=Joint-interpolated move On=Strai
Adept_Motion_Qualifiers.10 BOOL Off=Null at end of motion On=No nu
Adept_Motion_Qualifiers.11 BOOL Off=Fine nulling On=Coarse nulling
Adept_Motion_Qualifiers.12 BOOL Off=Multiple rotation On=Single rota
Adept_Motion_Qualifiers.13 BOOL Off=Lefty arm configuration On=Rig
Adept_Motion_Qualifiers.14 BOOL Off=Above arm configuration On=Be
Adept_Motion_Qualifiers.15 BOOL Off=Flip arm configuration On=No-fl
Adept_Pallet_Column_Count INT Pallet column count
Adept_Pallet_Layer_Count INT Pallet layer count
Adept_Pallet_Number INT Pallet number (0 if no pallet)
Adept_Pallet_Row_Count INT Pallet row count
Adept_Speed INT Motion speed
Adept_Status_Bits INT Adept Status Bits
Adept_Status_Bits.0 BOOL Off=High power disabled On=High p
Adept_Status_Bits.1 BOOL Off=No fault On=Adept in faulted sta
Adept_Status_Bits.2 BOOL Off=Robot not calibrated On=Robot
Adept_Status_Bits.3 BOOL Off=No meaning On=Adept system h
Adept_Status_Bits.4 BOOL Off=E-stop circuit closed On=E-stop
Adept_Status_Bits.5 BOOL Off=Command is not executing On=
Adept_Status_Bits.6 BOOL Off=Robot in motion On=Robot finis
Adept_Status_Bits.13 BOOL Off=Robot has lefty configuration On
Adept_Status_Bits.14 BOOL Off=Robot has above configuration O
Adept_Status_Bits.15 BOOL Off=Robot has flip configuration On
pv_speed INT
robot_motion_count INT
robot_step_next INT
scratch_speed INT