- COBY Electronics Camcorder User's Manual

Page 28 Photo Mode
Option Description
Driver Mode Activate the self-timer or burst
OFF. Take a single photo.
Self-timer 2s. Take a photo after 2
Self-timer 10s. Take a photo after
10 seconds.
Burst. Take photos rapidly.
Effect Apply special lter effects.
Date Stamp Add an overlay to your photos with
the date (DATE) or the date and
time (D&T).
FaceDetect Face Detection. When active, the
camcorder will detect and automati-
cally focus on faces. A green box
will bracket detected faces on the
Option Description
SmileCapture Smile Capture. When active, the
camcorder will automatically focus
and take a photo when a smile is
detected. Turning SmileCapture on
will automatically activate “Face
Tip: Set the Driver Mode to “Burst
to have the camcorder take multiple
photos when a smile is detected.
AntiShake Anti-shake. When active, the cam-
corder will compensate for motion in
order to capture a steady image.
Tip: Anti-shake can improve your
photos in low lighting conditions,
when ISO speed is set low, or when
using the telescopic zoom. Try using
a tripod if Anti-shake is not enough
to take a good photo.