User manual

68 SPrint User Manual
quick changes of topic in conversation
difficulty in lipreading the speaker, due to poor
position of the speaker or poor lighting
If you find that you still have problems, contact
your implant center for assistance.
Sounds are uncomfortably loud
If turning down the volume has no effect, remove
your headset, turn off the speech processor and
consult your clinician.
Intermittent buzzing sounds
You may occasionally perceive intermittent buzzing
or distorted speech. Electromagnetic interference
(EMI) may temporarily affect the operation of your
speech processor and transmitting cables.
Electromagnetic fields of different strengths are
produced by almost all types of electronic devices.
The headset cables, like antennae, pick up
environmental electromagnetic fields. The speech
processor attempts to process these signals as
environmental sounds. The EMI will be no louder
than your programmed comfort levels and will not
hurt you or damage your speech processor.
Common sources of EMI include:
radio transmission towers
mobile phone towers
TV transmission towers
shopping center security systems
airport security systems
some digital mobile telephones
However, other electronic devices that are sources
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