User manual

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FieldMaxII-TO User Manual
propput DeviceHandle([in] long );
propget DeviceHandle([out, retval] long* );
The property to be used as the argument to the Close-
AllUSBDeviceDrivers() method.
propput DeviceIndex([in] short );
propget DeviceIndex([out, retval] short* );
The property to be used as the key to searches in the
device list.
propput SerialNumber([in] BSTR );
propget SerialNumber([out, retval] BSTR* );
The property to be used to identify the meter serial
method Item([in, out] BSTR* IndexKey, [out, retval]
IFM2Device** );
The method used to search for device objects from the
collection. The key is the string version of the device
index (for example, if the device index is 3, IndexKey
will be “3”).
propget Count([out, retval] long* );
The read only property indicating the number of entries
in the collection.