Technical data

NFS Client
21.3 Registering Users in the Proxy Database
Table 21–1 (Cont.) Required Fields for NFS Proxy Entries
Field Meaning
UID/GID pair Remote identity of the user. Required even if both client and
server are OpenVMS hosts.
Remote host name Name of the remote host, which is one of the following:
Remote client of the local NFS server
Remote server for the local NFS client
Wildcard ( *) for all hosts
To add a user name to the proxy database, take the following steps:
1. For each NFS user, obtain the OpenVMS user name from the OpenVMS user
authorization file (UAF). If a user name is not in the UAF, use the OpenVMS
Authorize utility to add it.
2. Obtain the UID/GID pair for each NFS user from the
file on
the NFS server.
3. Enter SHOW PROXY.
4. Enter ADD PROXY for each NFS user you want to add to the proxy database.
For example:
5. Reenter SHOW PROXY to confirm the new information.
The following illustrates a portion of a proxy database file:
VMS User_name Type User_ID Group_ID Host_name
GANNET OND 1111 22 CLIENT1, client1
GEESE OND 1112 22 *
GREBE OND 1113 22 client1, client2
GROUSE OD 1114 23 client3
GUILLEMOT OD 1115 23 client3
GULL OD 1116 23 client4
21.4 Mounting Files and Directories
Attaching remote files and directories exported by an NFS server is called
mounting. The NFS client identifies each file system by the name of its mount
point on the server. The client provides the following TCP/IP management
NFS Client 21–7