Electronics Network Router User Manual

Cooper Bussmann BU-245U-E Wireless Ethernet & Device Server User Manual
To resume normal configured operation when Configuration is complete, switch Factory Default dip-switch on the BU-245U-E to RUN
and cycle power.
Note: Security Certificates. Configuration of the BU-245U-E uses an encrypted link (https). The security certificate used by the BU-245U-E is
issued by Cooper Bussmann and matches the IP address
When you first connect to the BU-245U-E, your web browser will issue a warning that Cooper Bussmann is not a trusted authority. Ignore this
warning and proceed to the configuration web page. To avoid seeing this warning in future, you can install the certificate into your browser.
Internet Explorer 7 has an additional address check on security certificates. Unless the BU-245U-E has the address, when you
first connect to the BU-245U-E, Internet Explorer 7 will issue a warning about mismatched security certificate address. You can turn off this
behavior in IE7 by selecting
“Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Security > Warn about certificate address mismatch*”
Method 2 - Set BU-245U-E Network address to match the local network
For this method you will need to determine what IP address, Gateway address, and netmask to assign to the BU-245U-E so that it appears on
your network. Ask your system administrator if you don’t know the correct settings for your network. E.g.
The default IP address of the BU-245U-E modem is and the network you wish to connect to is on 10.10.0.X (PC is on
Once you have determined the correct settings for your network, you need to connect to the modem’s RS-232 serial port using a straight through
serial cable and a terminal package such as HyperTerminal set to 115,200 baud. 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no Parity.
Open HyperTerminal and monitor communications
Set the SETUP/RUN switch to the SETUP position, and connect power to the modem.
Observe HyperTerminal and when you see the Dragon screen (see below) press <Enter> to get the following prompt “#”
Type the following “ifconfig” and it will show the configuration of the Ethernet port and from this you will be able to see what the
IP address is, e.g.,
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:12:AF:FF:FF:FF
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:256
Temporarily change the IP address to something that will enable connection to your local network. E.g type “ifconfig eth0 netmask” only add the netmask if the netmask is anything other than the standard
IP address should now be changed and you can check by typing “ifconfig” again. Note these changes are only temporary and if the module is
reset they will go back to the normal default (192.168.0.XXX).