Service manual

Ice Maker Service Manual
© 2004-2014, Cornelius Inc. - 6 - Publication Number: 630460082SER
IMPORTANT: Preventive maintenance can increase the trouble-free life of your Ice Maker. Failure to
perform preventive maintenance could void your equipment warranty.
IMPORTANT: Do not use any of the ice made during cleaning operations.
Clean and sanitize ice storage area when cleaning Ice Maker.
Disconnect power to the unit before servicing. Follow all lock out/tag out procedures established by the user. Verify all
power is off to the unit before performing any work.
Failure to comply could result in serious injury, death or damage to the equipment.
1. Turn Ice Maker off.
2. Shut off water supply.
3. Remove ice from storage bin.
4. Mix approved cleaner (2 gallons as directed). Recommended cleaner: Calgon Corp. or Virginia Chemicals, ice
machine cleaner. Mixture: 3–1/3 ounces per gallon water. Do not use nickel safe cleaners.
5. Turn Ice Maker on and add cleaner solution to water level control (float reservoir) until 2 gallons have been
6. Turn on water supply and operate Ice Maker for 15 minutes.
7. Turn Ice Maker off. Remove and discard all ice.
8. Sanitize using household liquid bleach (50 ppm chlorine). Mixture: 1 fluid ounce per gallon room temperature
water. Allow a two minute exposure time.
9. Sanitize pre–cleaned inside areas of storage bin liner, door frame, door, as well as all exposed surfaces of the
evaporator assembly and the bin shutoff assembly with sanitizing solution. Allow to air dry.
Preventative Maintenance can increase the trouble-free life of your Ice Maker. Many Authorized Cornelius Service
Agencies offer service contracts. Contact your local distributor for further information.
1. Clean the condenser coil. Use a brush, vacuum cleaner, or blow from inside the coil with air or CO2 gas.
2. Inspect the water feed reservoir at least once a month until a definite pattern for cleaning and sanitizing has
been established.
This is the maximum period of time between cleaning and sanitizing the Ice Maker. In addition to recommended
monthly procedure, and if a more frequent cleaning and sanitizing pattern has not been established, the Ice Maker
must be cleaned and sanitized quarterly.