Application Guide

Topping is not an acceptable practice.
Topping is when a tree is indiscrim-
inately cut back to stubs. Usually
topping is done to flat-top the tree
or cut it back on all sides. The result
is unsightly. Topping is often sold as
a method to reduce tree size, however studies have
shown that a topped tree will actually grow larger
over a five-year period compared to an unpruned con-
trol tree. This occurs because the severe cuts cause
many weak, but fast-growing sprouts to shoot from
the stubs.
There are a lot of misconceptions about the appro-
priateness “tree topping, a very controversial and
damaging tree care practice.
For the unfamiliar, tree topping is defined as “the
removal of main tree branches to stubs in either a
straight-across hedge fashion - or a complete delimb-
ing of the tree, leaving only the main trunk or trunks
of a tree.”
Many homeowners - and even some arborists - con-
tend that tree topping is an effective way to stimulate
growth, manage the size of the tree, and avoid the
expenses of detailed pruning.
But how effective and safe is this practice, really? Is it
worth it to cut corners? We don’t think so!
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