Application Guide

Large, dead branches or branches that are just hang-
ing around can pose a danger. The best time to check
for these potential threats is late fall or winter when
there is little or no foliage to obstruct your view.
• Cavities, rotten wood, or cracks and splits along the
trunk or major branches may provide an entrance
for cankers and wood-rotting organisms.
Wires in contact with tree branches.
A pronounced lean or a tree with several major
branches arising from one point in the trunk
may ultimately pose a threat.
Root damage from installing pavement, repairing
sidewalks, or digging trenches can weaken a tree.
Heaving soil at the base of a tree is a potential
indicator of an unsound root system.
Leaves that have prematurely developed an unusual
size or color or if the tree has been heavily pruned.
Dead leaves at the top of trees are usually the result
of environmental or mechanical root stress whereas
twisted or curled leaves may indicate a viral infection
or insect infestation.
Here are a few things to look for when inspecting your trees for safety:
This list may be a good start if you’re looking to ensure your trees are healthy and safe. If you see any of
the above signs, give your landscape professional or tree care expert a call. They can quickly determine if the
symptom poses a real threat and needs to be addressed quickly.