Application Guide

There are several reasons to prune your roses:
Removing dead or diseased canes
Remove non-productive branches and make room for
ones that will make flowers
Removing crossing branches that clutter the bush or
damage others
Open up the interior of the bush for ease in spraying
and to promote good flowering stems;
Remove non-productive canes at the base to
promote growth of new vigorous canes
Finally, shape the bush to please you. Before cutting out
canes, you need to look at the branches they produced.
If they have long, healthy, new branches, they should be
left. If they have nothing but short twiggy non-blooming
shoots, remove them. Sometimes there is not much left,
but then perhaps the bush should be, as my mother used
to say, “shovel pruned” and removed from the garden. We
are told to reduce the number of canes to 3-5, but this is
not necessarily a good guide.