Application Guide

SL 7180
Anvil have a straight-edged blade that cuts against
a soft metal anvil. They are ideal for cutting harder,
dead wood and should not be used on live stems as it
will crush it rather than leave a smooth cut.
NOTE: Bypass and anvil pruners serve two different
purposes and should not be considered interchange
able. Using a hand pruner in a manner for which it
was not designed can cause damage to the tool,
the plant, as well as bodily injuries.
Be sure to also pay attention to the
pruner’s rated cutting capacity. You
should not attempt to cut stems
that have a larger diameter than
the recommended cutting capacity. If
you have to open the tool wider than its natural
open position, the limb is likely bigger than the
pruner is designed to cut. When in doubt go with a
larger cutting tool like a lopper.
Loppers are long-handled pruning shears that
require two hands to use, providing additional lever-
age while making larger cuts up to 3 inches depending
on the recommended cutting capacity. Loppers are
useful for pruning hard-to-reach or thorny growth and
cutting up discarded branches for the green waste bin.
Pruning Saws are for branches greater than 1-inch
in diameter. Pruning saws have curved blades
designed to cut on the pull stroke to help remain in the
cutting channel, making cuts quickly and evenly.
AP 3234 RS 7265