Installation Guide

Select CONVECTION BROIL to brown food slightly
also on the bottom side. This mode is preferred for
browning food on both side that is too delicate for
turning such as fish. The degree of browning of each
side might be different.
       CONVECTION BROIL
1. Place oven rack in desired position.
Set Selector Switch to BROIL or CONVECTION
3. Set oven temperature control knob to BROILER or
CONVECTION BROILER setting corresponding to
500° F fixed BROILER setting (not over Tmax=500°
F orunder 450° F setting position).
4. Wait until PRE-HEATING light turns off, after
approximately 5-6 minutes
5. Place food in oven at desired rack position as
referencedon Page 26.
Close oven door. The door should be closed
 o ol
Broiling requires constant exposure to high,
intense heat. Only the upper element heats in
the BROILER mode.
It is recommended that you preheat the broil
element before starting to cook. Preheat until the
"PRE-HEATING" light turns off (about 5-6 minutes).
100°F. Turn and cook the second side to desired
internal temperature.
    
A porcelain enamel broil pan is included with the range.
Use matal or glass-ceramic bake ware when browning
casseroles, main dishes, or bread. DO NOT use
hear-proof glass or pottery. This type of glassware cannot
withstand the intense hear of the broil element.
ol  Me eoee
To more accurately define the preparation of thick steaks
or chops (at least 1 1/2 inches thick), use a meat
thermometer. Insert the point of the thermometer into the
side of the meat reaching the center of the steak or chop.
For rare steaks, cook the first side to 90°F. For medium or
well done steaks, cook the first side to
e e e el
Defrost food before broiling.
Keep oven door closed during broiling.
Steaks should be more than 1" thick if rare meat is
desired. Use convection broil if steaks are over
1-1/2 inches thick. Turn food over once after half
cooking time. It is not necessary to turn very thin
food (ham slices, fillets of fish, etc.). Liver slices
must be turned over regardless of thickness.
Use a timer. Set it for the minimum time and check
the food.
Center food directly under the broiling element for
best browning.
 oo
Before turning on the oven, place the rack in the
desired position. After preheating the broiler,
center the broil pan under the broil element.
2 - Use this rack position when broiling beef
steaks, ground meat patties, ham steak and lamb
chops 1 inch or less thick. Also use when browning
3 - Use this rack position when broiling meat 1 1/8
inches or more thick, fish, poultry, pork chops,
ham steaks 1 inch or more thick.
3 or 4 - Use this rack when broiling chicken
quarters or halves.