Product Manual

IX. one-hand tie technique square knot (1=1)
formation of the second throw (contd)
Step 10.
Begin Withdrawal of the
Free Suture End Down Through
the Suture Loop
Once the dorsum of the distal phalanx of
the left long finger is beneath the free suture
end held between the tips of the left thumb
and index finger, extension of the distal
phalanx of the long finger begins to withdraw
(arrow) the suture end down through the
loop. For the left long finger to withdraw the
entire free suture end down through the
loop, the left thumb and index finger must
release their grip of the suture. During this
interval, tension cannot be maintained
continually on the first throw, allowing the
first-throw, suture loop to widen with subse-
quent partial separation of the wound edges.