Use And Care Manual

Ketones, Esters, Lacquer Thinner:
Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)
Methyl isobutyl ketone
Ethyl acetate (nail polish remover)
Butyl acetate
Do not use acetone or paint remover on
any nished surface whether wood,
aluminum or vinyl.
Note: Aromatic and chlorinated solvents should be used
with caution. Limit contact with finished surface to one
minute. Test before using.
Chemical Solutions:
Sodium Hypochlorite (laundry bleach, Chlorox)
Oxalic Acid
Acetic Acid (vinegar)
Acid solutions are corrosive and toxic. Flush
all surfaces with water after use. Oxalic acid
solution or vinegar may be used for the
same purpose, but must also be ushed
with water after use.
When cleaning any surface, do not use wire brushes, steel
wool, sandpaper, abrasives or any other cleaning tool which
can damage the surface.
General Cleaning Procedures
1. Apply a strong water rinse from top to bottom to
dislodge any accumulated soil. Low water volume with
moderate pressure is much better than higher volume
with little pressure. Do not use a pressure washer.
2. If soil is not removed following a water rinse, gently sponge
the surface while applying a water rinse.
3. If soil remains on the surface, repeat Step 2 using a mild
detergent. Sponge the surface from top to bottom with a
uniform pressure, cleaning first horizontally then vertically.
Thoroughly rinse the surface again with clean water. It
may be necessary to sponge the surface while rinsing,
particularly if the cleaner has been permitted to dry on
the surface.
Note: Mild soaps and detergents ruled safe for bare hands
should be safe for coated and vinyl surfaces. Stronger
detergents such as some dishwasher detergents
should be carefully spot tested before use.
General Tips
Over cleaning or excessive rubbing can do more harm
than good.
Strong solvents or strong solutions can cause damage
to painted surfaces. Test them on a small area before
Avoid all abrasive cleaners.
Avoid abrasive tools (steel wool, stiff brushes, etc.) that
can scour finished surfaces.
Never mix different cleaners together.
Never use paint removers, aggressive alkaline, or acid.
If you wash the exterior of your home to maintain appearance,
you can include Crestline windows and doors that are protected
by high-quality exterior paint. Rinse the painted surfaces with
clear water and wipe them down with a soft cloth. Periodic
washing is particularly recommended in coastal environments.
If you pressure-wash your siding, we recommend you avoid
your windows and doors and avoid spraying directly into
weatherstripped seams and/or edges.
Pressure washing is not recommended for windows and
doors as it can damage weather stripping and finishes.
Brick cleaning fluids such as muriatic acid can damage
the surface of your windows or doors.
To clean the exterior of textured entry doors that are
stained and clear-coated, wipe gently with a mild,
non-abrasive glass cleaner. This will give you the best
cleaning results and the least risk of damage to your
door’s finish.
Removing Rust or Alkali Mortar Stains
Rust and alkali mortar stains can be removed from finished
surfaces with hydrochloric or 10% muriatic acid, diluted with 10
parts water. Limit contact to five minutes.
Follow safe practices when working with
acid solutions. Wear eye protection, rubber
gloves and protective clothing. Thoroughly
rinse affected areas with clear water when
done with the acid solution
Removing Mildew
Mildew may occur in areas subject to high humidity, appearing
on surfaces as black spots. Remove using a basic solution of:
1/3 cup detergent (Tide, etc.)
2/3 cup trisodium phosphate
1 quart sodium hypochlorite 5% solution (Chlorox)
3 quarts water
Apply to mildew spots with a soft brush or sponge. Allow
solution to sit and “work” on mildew for a few minutes. Keep
area wet. Rinse with clear water to remove all solution from
treated and surrounding area. If spots remain make a second
application followed by a second rinse.
Rinse well with clean, clear water after
cleaning. Stronger concentrations of
cleaners can prove harmful to surfaces.
Use & Care
© 2015 Crestline Mfg., Inc.