Use and Care Manual

for clear, soft,
enjoyable and safe
pool water
easy and fast at a low
maintenance cost
In most cases...
...a small quantity of chlorine will
replace all the other products.
Chemical interaction of water, chlorine and Crystalline
Crystalline Pool System
for a softer water
The main purpose of chlorine in your pool is to kill bacteria. Only 0.6ppm is required to
accomplish this task successfully in a pool with a balanced pH level and controlled
organic matters.
Why do manufacturers recommend chlorine levels of 1.5ppm and more?
A multitude of other suspended particles are present in your swimming pool water. Those
residues are made up of organic and inorganic matters and can soil your pool water. They
include algae, minerals and chloramines. The latter give the distinctive chlorine smell to the
water and are the result of the reaction between free chlorine with nitrogenous matters
introduced in the pool by the swimmers.
Free chlorine works on these particles by bleaching them to make them invisible but they
are not eliminated. You have therefore a seemingly clean swimming pool water but nothing
more. In order to reduce chlorine needs, Crystalline Pool System
is taking action on various
fronts. Its powerful algaecide effect kills algae in their formative stages which reduces
significantly the amount of algae that must be treated by chlorine.
Crystalline Pool System
works on all suspended particles to bring them together so they
can be caught by your pool filter.
Consequently, a much smaller quantity of residues has to be treated by chlorine - 0.6ppm
of free chlorine is then enough for a proper treatment. Thanks to Chrystalline Pool System
you will save on chlorine and avoid buying many other products.
Crystalline Pool System
helps stabilizing the pH level so the chlorine can work under the
best possible conditions.
You will be able to maintain easily a pure swimming pool water by using Crystalline Pool
with a reduced quantity of chlorine combined with a regular cleaning of your pool
filter (as recommended by the manufacturer).
A safe and well-known product!
Registration numbers :
Health Canada, Canada, 1996, registration number 24952
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), États-Unis, 1998, registration number 71686-1
Federal Office of Public Health, Switserland, 2007, registration number CHZN 0576
Hungarie, registration number, OTH 688/2005
United States Patent and Trademark Office No 4,116,454
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