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CTI Products, Inc. NCB-AY User Guide
3. Network Variable Control 24
Dial Mode
C Language Syntax
Typedef struct UCPT_DialMode
unsigned char Mode;
unsigned char Index;
network input config SCPTdialMode UCPT_DialMode1;
network input config SCPTdialMode UCPT_DialMode2;
This input configuration network variable allows the modem dialing Mode (Manual or
Perpetual) to be set, as well as the Directory entry Index number (0 through 15) that should be
used when dialing in Perpetual mode. These configuration properties can also be modified
using the NCB/Plug Configuration Plug-in as described in section “4. ”.
Manual dial mode requires either of the following for dialing to take place:
A string should be sent to nviDialStr input network variable of the Modem
Controller Object.
Or, a character representing the entry Index number should be sent to nviReqDialStr
input network variable of the Directory Object. In addition, a binding is need
between nvoDialStr of the Directory Object and nviDialStr of the Modem Controller
Perpetual mode causes the modem to automatically dial a number stored in the specified
Index entry of the local Directory Object and requires the following:
The Dial Mode configuration property should be used to set the Mode to Manual,
and the Index to a Directory entry that will be used when dialing. In addition, the
Directory’s configuration property Dial String should be used to add the dial string
to the proper Index of the Directory. (See Directory Configuration Properties later
in this section.)
If the modem is currently connected to another NCB, the Dial Mode will not change until
the current call is cancelled.
Valid Range
Dial-up Mode
Index: 0-F hex
Default Value
Mode: 0 Index: 0
Auto Answer Enable/Disable
C Language Syntax
network input config snvt_switch UCPT_AutoAnswer1;
network input config snvt_switch UCPT_AutoAnswer2;
This input configuration network variable provides a mechanism to enable or disable the
‘Auto Answer’ modem function.
Valid Range