Owner manual

CTI Products, Inc. NCB-AY User Guide
3. Network Variable Control 26
Exclamation Point (!) Hookflash, go on hook for 0.5 seconds, then back off hook.
Punctuation (space, dash, left and right parentheses) Valid in string, but ignored.
When Transmitted
Transmitted upon receipt of a valid nviReqDialStr input, unless requested entry index is not
supported or entry is blank (first character of entry is a NULL), in which case this variable is not
Receipt of another nviReqDialStr input causes this output to be transmitted, containing the phone
number string from the Directory entry corresponding to the index received on nviReqDialStr,
even if the index received is the same index as received on the previous update to nviReqDialStr.
Update Rate
Updated only on an update to nviReqDialStr input.
Configuration Properties
Dial String
C Language Syntax
network input config SNVT_str_asc nciSetPhoneNum;
The first byte (character) specifies the Index entry (0-F hex) of the Directory Object. Up to 29
additional bytes (characters) can be used to specify the dial string.
Valid Range
A NULL terminated ASCII string up to 31 bytes in length (including the NULL).
All ASCII characters are valid, with specific support for the following:
Letter P (upper or lower case, first character in string only) Pulse Dial.
Digits (0-9,*,#) Dials digit directly.
Comma (,) Pauses 2 seconds for each comma encountered.
Letter W (upper or lower case) Pauses until a dial tone is detected.
Exclamation Point (!) Hookflash, go on hook for 0.5 seconds, then back off hook.
Punctuation (space, dash, left and right parentheses) Valid in string, but ignored.
Default Value
The NULL character.
The File Transfer method of communications can also be used to configure the Dial String(s)
in a Directory Object. A Dial String Array (nciDialStr[16]) can be loaded with the desired
dial strings. This array holds data of type SNVT_str_asc.
The following network variables pertain to the entire NCB, and not just to a single Modem Controller object or
Directory Object.
Product Name (Output)
C Language Syntax
network output SNVT_str_asc nvoProductName;
This output network variable contains an ASCII string identifying the product.
When Transmitted
Unsolicited at power-up and reset, or when polled.