Owner manual

CTI Products, Inc. NCB-AY User Guide
Appendix F. Ring Mode 45
Connection and Enabling Procedure
The following steps should be followed when installing a series of NCB modules for Ring Mode operation:
1) Connect all NCB modules in default mode (Ring Mode disabled).
a) During installation of each NCB, enable both NCB serial ports using the appropriate “BAUD” and
“MODE” settings for switches on the rear panel.
b) Then press the “RESET” button on the front panel. (The front panel “ERR” LED will blink
rapidly if both serial ports are not terminated at another functioning device.)
2) Be certain that the ring is open in one place. It is usually convenient to remove the cable from one of
the serial “PORT” connectors on the rear of the NCB, leaving the other one connected.
3) From the Central Site, with all Remote Site NCB units communicating, set Ring Mode parameters and
enable Ring Mode on the Remote Site NCB units.
a) Begin by enabling Ring Mode for the NCB located just before the ring opening. (This will be the
furthest NCB around the ring, even though it may be very near the Central Site.)
Once Ring Mode has been enabled for an NCB, it will not communicate with other NCB units in
the ring until all are enabled for Ring Mode.
i) If the LonMaker for Windows browser is being used to enable Ring Mode (using the
configuration property UCPT_RingMode), a message may appear: “WARNING WHILE
DOWNLOADING CP’S TO DEVICE”. This is understandable, since communication with
other units in the ring is discontinued until all units are enabled for Ring Mode. Since
communication is discontinued, the device shape representing the Control Neuron on the
LonMaker drawing will indicate a “Node Error”.
ii) If the NCB/Plug Configuration Plug-in is being used to enable Ring Mode, NCB/Plug will
automatically close, since communications to that NCB is no longer possible until all
remaining NCB units are set to Ring Mode.
b) Enable Ring Mode for the next closest NCB around the ring. Finish by enabling Ring Mode for
the NCB at the Central Site.
4) Close the ring.
Communication is now possible and the device shapes representing the Control Neurons of each
NCB on the LonMaker drawing will indicate “Node Normal”.
Disabling Procedure
The following steps should be followed when disabling Ring Mode operation for a series of NCB modules:
1) Open the ring at the Central Site by removing the cable from one of the serial “PORT” connectors on
the rear of the NCB.
2) With all Remote Site NCB units communicating, disable Ring Mode on the Remote Site NCB units:
a) Begin by disabling Ring Mode for the NCB located just before the ring opening. (This will be the
furthest NCB around the ring, even though it may be very near the Central Site.)
Once Ring Mode has been disabled for an NCB, it will not communicate with other NCB units in
the ring until all are disabled for Ring Mode.
b) Disable ring mode for the next closest NCB around the ring. Finish by disabling ring mode for the
NCB at the Central Site.
To prevent the “ERR” LED from continually blinking, disable any NCB serial “PORTno longer in use, using
the appropriate “BAUD” and “MODE” settings for switches on the rear panel. Then press the “RESET” button
on the front panel.