Cyclone Analogic TT-78 and TT-606

ythology has
always played a
massive part in
music making,
be it bluesman
Robert Johnson
selling his soul to
the devil in return for musical skill, or
the magical timbre and timing of an
808 drum machine, the allure remains.
In music technology terms, this
often means ever-inflating prices
on the secondhand market, even for
kit that is severely limited in
functional terms, and that presents
this context that Cyclone have
introduced their promised TR-606
clone ,alongside one of the
even-more-retro CR-78.
Whether due to legal action or a
quest for design originality, the
copying of both boxes’ original
stylings has been largely laid to rest
– though the knobs and name font
still tip a nod to the 303/606 family.
The TT-78 is nothing like the original
CR-78 in appearance, though this
does mean it’s far less bulky than its
unwieldy ancestor. Sadly, the alluring
wood-effect case and coloured
buttons have also been resigned to
’70s industrial design history.
There’s a danger when reviewing
music kit that copies or alludes to
aspects of a well-regarded older
designs that anything new (or that
departs from the original spec and
intent) should be seen as a bad
thing, but let’s throw that idea out
for the time being, and look at the
DrumDrone and BeatBot as if they
were untainted by history.
The two new Cyclone drum
machines feature identical
programming systems, and similar
knob and socket placement. The
back panel has full-sized MIDI ports,
with the output switchable to act as
Thru port if required. Unlike some
other recent units, no USB
interfacing is included. However, the
MIDI implementation is
comprehensive, providing full
parameter automation, transmission
and reception, as well as the
expected note-on/off and clocking.
Firmware and pattern backup are
also achieved via the ever-
dependable DIN ports. On the rear
you’ll also find the main mono,
headphone and individual sound
outputs. Tapping into one of the
seven instrument mini-jacks will
remove the associated sound (or
sounds, in the case of the TT-78)
from the main mix.
The larger front panel knobs take
care of Tempo, Volume and
programming, whilst the smaller
knobs control accent and instrument
levels alongside a mysterious
parameter labelled Tone. It is the
latter of these that gives some
indication of the units being far more
flexible then they first appear. Each
instrument (or ‘sound’) has one
editable parameter which directly
adjusts the circuitry of the
underlying sound engine. For many
sounds, this provides access to pitch
or decay, although TT-606 Cymbal
an opportunity for anyone willing to
create a reliable, cheaper, and often
even more featureful remake. Step
forward, Cyclone Analogic!
The French company gathered
much attention – and some infamy
– a few years back, with the
introduction of the TT-303 BassBot,
which looked identical to the original
303 and added new features. The
TT-303 also sounded very good,
claiming to be an exact circuit clone
of original (albeit employing modern
Surface Mount equivalents of the
original components). It is within
New sounds
added to the
original 606 palette
Much more flexible
than the originals in
both sonic and
programming terms
‘Nuance Auto-
Variation’ adds
timbral interest
to patterns
No analogue
clocking or
triggering features
Not 100%
soundalikes of the
originals, though
very close in places
Sound doubling for
some instruments
on TT-78 makes
programming fiddly
at times
Cyclone Analogic Analog Drum Machines | Reviews
FMU320.rev_cyclone.indd 93 14/06/2017 16:44