User Manual

Changing between 24 and 48 Patch Targets
The SpyderCHECKR software supports both the 24 and 48 patch versions of
the SpyderCHECKR target, and will automatically launch configured for the
target type you have purchased. If you use both targets, then switching
between them occurs in SpyderCHECKR preferences. Select the other target
type, and when the dialog box comes up telling you that it is necessary to
restart the application to switch, select OK, to auto-quit the SpyderCHECKR
app, then relaunch, and it will now use the other target size.
Using SpyderCHECKR with SpyderCUBE
Once a camera calibration has been produced, and is being used to process
images, it is then possible to coordinate this workflow with the SpyderCUBE.
The CUBE can be used in the standard manner to determine the optimum
whitepoint, exposure, black level and other basic light condition settings for a
series of images.
The resulting adjustments can be applied separately from applying the
SpyderCHECKR color calibration preset, or for convenience, the
SpyderCUBE adjustments can be built on top of the SpyderCHECKR preset,
and saved as a composite Color/Lighting correction preset.
This workflow eliminates the need to carry a color target with you, and avoids
building color calibration from casual site shots of a color target. It is much
simpler to shoot the SpyderCUBE on location if the lighting conditions are
challenging, and combining that with a carefully built SpyderCHECKR color
calibration preset. If doing special work under a specific lightsource, shooting
the SpyderCHECKR as a reference, to create a custom calibration for the
situation if needed, is a good safety measure.