User Manual

SpyderCHECKR: Challenges and Solutions
Every combination of lens, camera, and sensor has a unique color signature,
and this may change in different lighting conditions. And, of course, these
devices don’t perceive or record color the way the human eye does.
Color control and consistency requires a reference tool to help the user adapt
to these variations. Adding color management at the capture stage of one’s
digital workflow assures consistency and accuracy from day to day as well as
from camera to camera.
The SpyderCHECKR targets enable the user to create custom camera
calibrations, that compensates for the characteristics of the optics and
sensors, giving more accurate color reproduction in edited images. Workflow
is simple: photograph the SpyderCHECKR, import the image into a supported
image editor for basic adjustments, open the image in the SpyderCHECKR
software, and export the HSL preset. You can apply this preset during image
import or editing.
The SpyderCHECKR targets have 24 or 48 spectrally-engineered pigment
color patches, and easy to use calibration software making post-production
quicker by getting consistent, predictable color right from the start.