
Wyse WSM Software Specifications
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Generic WWSM Spec approved final 170310
Device Hardware
Windows XP Pro
Minimum processor speed 800 MHz (1GHz or higher is recommended)
Mind. 256 MB (1GB or higher is recommended)
Vista and Windows 7
Minimum processor speed 1 GHz (1.5GHz or higher is recommended)
Mind. 1 GB (2GB or higher is recommended)
Flash size/local storage – none needed. If the device has flash it can be used as a
local cache for offline mode.
Server Requirements
Network Requirements
Minimum processor speed 1GHz (3GHz or higher is recommended).
Server Lan Speed = Minimum 100Mbps (1Gbps and up is recommended).
Server Operating System: Windows XP Pro SP3, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2
Device Lan Speed = Minimum 10Mbps (100 Mbps full duplex is recommended)
Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows Vista.
Microsoft Windows 7.
Databases supported
Microsoft SQL 2005 and 2008 (Server and Express Editions).
Built-in high Availability
Database availability using SQL clustering.
Built-in server high availability through WSM Server Grouping feature.
Server to Server Fail-over Capability.
Fast and Easy Installation
Installing Wyse WSM is simply a matter of running a single, graphical installer.
The installer checks for all the prerequisite components before installation.
Web-based Admin Console
Allows IT administrators to access Wyse WSM from any browser.
Control the entire installation from a central location.
Dramatically simplifies administration, saving IT time and user downtime.
Wizards to guide the user through specific tasks.
Operation System and
Application Imaging Tools
Imaging tool simplifies the process of creating an OS image for the specific
hardware configuration and an application image for all hardware configurations.
All OS and application images are ready for deployment once created, no further modifications
Application Subscription
Use flexible application deployment methods: - Auto-subscribed applications are ready for use when user logs in for the first time.
- Manual subscriptions allow users the flexibility to use applications only when needed.
- Mandatory subscriptions that cannot be unsubscribed by users.
Protected System Drive
Allows administrators to protect the system drive from enduser initiated updates.
Prevents changes to operating system drive except by administrators, helping stop viruses, spyware,
or malware from infecting the device.