Quick Reference Guide

iDRAC.NIC.Selection (Read or Write)
Description Specifies the current mode of operation for the iDRAC network
interface controller.
Legal Values
1 — Dedicated
2 — LOM1
3 — LOM2
4 — LOM3
5 — LOM4
Default Value 1 — Dedicated
Write Privilege Configure iDRAC
License Required iDRAC7 Express (for Blades) or iDRAC7 Enterprise
Dependency None
iDRAC.NIC.SharedNICScanTime (Read or Write)
Description Wait time for the iDRAC to switch from shared mode to dedicated mode.
Legal Values Integral values from 5 - 255
Default Value 30
Write Privilege Configure iDRAC
License Required iDRAC7 Express (for Blades) or iDRAC7 Enterprise
Dependency None
iDRAC.NIC.Speed (Read or Write)
Description Specifies the speed for the iDRAC NIC.
Legal Values
0- 10
1- 100
2- 1000
Default Value 1–100
Write Privilege Configure iDRAC
License Required iDRAC7 Express or iDRAC7 Enterprise
Dependency Cannot change NIC Speed unless AutoNeg is set to disabled.
iDRAC.NIC.VLanEnable (Read Only)
Description Enables or disables the VLAN capabilities of the iDRAC.