Users Guide

if($ExportJobRequestObject -eq $null) {
echo 'ExportJobRequestObject parameter is null'
else {
echo 'VolumeImageIds:' $ExportJobRequestObject.VolumeImageIds
echo 'RamInMegabytes:' $ExportJobRequestObject.RamInMegabytes
PreNightlyJobScript は、コア側ですべての夜間ジョブの前に実行されます。これには $JobClassName パラメー
# receiving parameters from Nightlyjob
param([System.String]$JobClassMethod , [object]
[object]$RollupJobRequest, [object]$Agents, [object]$ChecksumCheckJobRequest,
[object]$TransferJobRequest, [int]$LatestEpochSeenByCore)
# building path to Core's Common.Contracts.dll and loading this assembly
$regLM = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::LocalMachine
$regLM = $regLM.OpenSubKey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
\AppRecovery Core 5')
$regVal = $regLM.GetValue('InstallLocation')
$regVal = $regVal + 'CoreService\Common.Contracts.dll'
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($regVal) | out-null
# Nightlyjob has four child jobs: NightlyAttachability Job, Rollup Job,
Checksum Check Job and Log Truncation Job. All of them are triggering the
script, and $JobClassMethod (contain job name that calls the script) helps to
handle those child jobs separately
switch ($JobClassMethod) {
# working with NightlyAttachability Job
NightlyAttachabilityJob {
$NightlyAttachabilityJobRequestObject =
$NightlyAttachabilityJobRequest -as
echo 'Nightly Attachability job results:';
if($NightlyAttachabilityJobRequestObject -eq $null) {
echo 'NightlyAttachabilityJobRequestObject parameter is
else {
echo 'AgentId:'
echo 'IsNightlyJob:'
# working with Rollup Job
RollupJob {
$RollupJobRequestObject = $RollupJobRequest -as
echo 'Rollup job results:';
if($RollupJobRequestObject -eq $null) {
echo 'RollupJobRequestObject parameter is null';