White Papers

Dell Storage for HPC with Intel Enterprise Edition 2.3 for Lustre sofware
Figure 8: RAID6 Layout on MD3460 or MD3060e arrays
3.4 Scalability
Providing the Object Storage Servers in active/active cluster configurations yields greater throughput
and product reliability. This configuration provides high availability, decreasing maintenance
requirements and consequently reducing potential downtime.
The PowerEdge R630 server provides performance and density. The solution provides 960TB of raw
storage for each OSS pair. The solution also leverages FDR InfiniBand interconnect for very high-speed,
low-latency storage transactions. The PowerEdge R630 takes advantage of the PCIe Gen3 interface for
FDR InfiniBand, helping achieve higher network throughput per OSS.
A Lustre client, version 2.5.37, for the RHEL6.6 kernel with Mellanox OFED v.2.4 is available for access
to the Dell Storage for HPC with Intel EE for Lustre (for details see the Storage for HPC with Intel EE
Lustre Solution Configuration Guide).