White Papers

Dell Storage for HPC with Intel Enterprise Edition 2.3 for Lustre sofware
4.3 Metadata Testing
Metadata testing measures the time to complete certain file or directory operations that return
attributes. MDtest is an MPI-coordinated benchmark that performs Create, Stat, and Remove
operations on files or directories. This study used MDtest version 1.9.3. The MPI stack used for this
study was Intel MPI version 5.0 Update 1. The metric reported by MDtest is the rate of completion in
terms of operations per second (OP/sec). MDtest can be configured to compare metadata performance
for directories and files. For this test, we perform a pass with file operations, then a separate pass
with directory operations.
On a Lustre file system, OSTs are queried for object identifiers in order to allocate or locate extents
associated with the metadata operations. This interaction requires the indirect involvement of OSTs in
most metadata operations. In lab experiments with the test bed, it was found that using OST count of 1
was more efficient for most metadata operations, especially for higher thread counts. The experiments
consisted of conducting tests, with up to 64 clients for the following Lustre topologies (results not
presented here), to select the most efficient configuration for the metadata performance tests for this
version of the solution:
1 OST, 1MB Stripes
1 OST, 4MB Stripes
24 OSTs, 1MB Stripes
24 OSTs, 4MB Stripes
The most efficient configuration was found to be with 1 OST with 1MB stripes, therefore the results
presented in this section were obtained with this Lustre topology.
Also during the preliminary metadata testing, it was found that the number of files per directory
significantly affects the results, even while keeping constant the total number of files created. For
example when testing with 64 threads creating 3125 files per directory in 5 directories per thread OR
creating 625 files per directory in 25 directories per thread, both result in the creation of 1 million
files, but the measured performance in IOPS is not the same. This is due to overhead of seeks
performed on the OSTs when changing directories. In order to present coherent results, the number of
files per directory was fixed at 3125 while we varied the number of directories per thread to yield total
number of files to be no less than 1 million and steadily increasing as thread counts increase. Table 3
represents the values used in each test. For both the file operation tests as well as the directory
operations tests, we performed the tests with eight iterations, each taking the average value for
recorded results.
Table 3: Parameters used on MDtest
Number of Threads (N)
Number of Files per
Number of Directories
per thread
Total number of Files