White Papers

Dell HPC NFS Storage Solution High Availability Configurations with Large Capacities
6.5. NFSv3 compared to NFSv4
During the design and analysis of the NSS-HA solution it was found that NFSv3 provides better
performance than NFSv4 for certain scenarios. This section describes the deltas in performance
between NFSv3 and NFSv4. In certain situations the security enhancements of NFSv4 might be more
important than any loss in performance. The results presented in this section help quantify the
performance loss and pinpoint the scenarios where a difference in performance can be expected.
For the three types of IO workloads tested in this study, it was found that the most dramatic difference
between NFSv3 and NFSv4 performance was in the metadata file create tests. These results are
presented later in this section in Figure 18. Metadata file stat were measured to be within 15% of each
other for NFSv3 and NFSv4; NFSv3 performed better for low client counts and NFSv4 performed better
for the higher client counts. Metadata remove operations were 10 28% faster with NFSv3.
Figure 18 compares NFSv3 and NFSv4 performance on the metadata file create tests. As seen from the
graph, the 144TB and 288TB configurations perform the same with either protocol version, i.e., the
capacity of the configuration does not matter, the NFS protocol version is the main differentiator.
NFSv3 performance is an order of magnitude better than NFSv4. NFSv4 file creates saturate at about
1550 create operations per second. With NFSv3, the peak performance is close to 34000 create
operations per second. With the current version of NFSv4 the state locking implementation causes the
file create operations to be serialized, hindering performance
. This issue is expected to be alleviated
in future versions.
InfiniBand NFSv3 and NFSv4 file create performance Figure 18.
1 2 4 8 16 32 48 64 128 256 512
Number of create() per sec
Number of concurrent clients
IB File Create Performance
144TB -- NFSv3 288 TB -- NFSv3
144 TB -- NFSv4 288 TB -- NFS v4