White Papers

Dell HPC NFS Storage Solution High Availability Configurations with Large Capacities
Then, edit the file /etc/multipath.conf, search for the blacklist section and uncomment it
or modify it if already uncommented. Add the “wwid” entries for the local virtual disks to make it
look like the following example:
blacklist {
wwid "36842b2b0723e980017184fb50ae00d6a"
wwid "36842b2b0723e980017184fcf0c6c56e9"
{Rest of your original blacklist, if any}
c. Remove any local disks entries from the file /etc/multipath/bindings.
Note: If multipathd was never started (i.e., if it was just installed in this section), this file will not
exist, and skip the step.
# sed -i 's/^.*36842b2b0723e980017184fb50ae00d6a.*$//'
# sed -i 's/^.*36842b2b0723e980017184fcf0c6c56e9.*$//'
4. Finally, start the service (or start it, if you just installed it), enable it to start upon reboots and
check if your local disks are now blacklisted with the commands:
# service multipathd restart
Stopping multipathd daemon: [ OK ]
Starting multipathd daemon: [ OK ]
# chkconfig multipathd on
5. Verify that the local disks are blacklisted.
# multipath v3 | grep blacklisted | grep “PERC H700”
Feb 02 18:53:19 | sda: (DELL:PERC H700) wwid blacklisted
Feb 02 18:53:19 | sdb: (DELL:PERC H700) wwid blacklisted
If the command to restart the service fails or the local disks are not blacklisted, then reboot the
server, and check again if they are blacklisted when the server is up.
Reference: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 DM Multipath: DM Multipath Configuration and
Administration; Edition 1, section 3.2 Ignoring Local Disks when Generating Multipath Devices.