White Papers

Dell HPC NFS Storage Solution High Availability Configurations with Large Capacities
Executive summary (Updated May 2012)
This solution guide describes the large capacity configurations of the Dell HPC NFS Storage Solution
with high availability support (NSS-HA). It presents an architecture overview, and provides tuning best
practices and performance details for configurations with capacities of 144TB and 288TB. These
configurations break the 100TB limit of previous supported configurations.
The NSS-HA solutions described here are designed for high availability using a pair of NFS servers in
active-passive configuration to provide storage service to the HPC compute cluster. As in previous
versions of this solution guide, the goal is to improve service availability and maintain data integrity in
the presence of possible failures or faults, and to maximize performance in the failure-free case.
May 2012 update
All changes are in Appendix A: NSS-HA Recipe (Updated May 2012) and the attached scripts. Version 2.1
of this document contains updated instructions for the multipath set-up, more details on OMSA and
MDSM configuration and a modification to some of the scripts. The recipe contains a checklist for each
section as well