White Papers

Dell HPC NFS Storage Solution High Availability Configurations with Large Capacities
------ ---- ---- ------
active 1 Online, Local
passive 2 Online
4. Start clvmd service on both servers to prepare the creation of physical volumes, volume group and
logical volume in an HA cluster. Make sure locking_type is set to 3 in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
before executing the following command.
# service clvmd start
And make sure that service multipathd is running.
5. Once clvmd is started, please execute the script nssha61_single.py to automatically configure
the shared storage array including creating physical volumes, volume group, logic volume, and XFS
file system.
# /root/nssha61_single.py
Note: section A.9.5 provides instructions to manually configure the shared storage array.
Use the following commands to verify that PVs, VG, LV, and XFS file system are successfully
# df h
# lvs
# vgs
# pvs
The names and size for PVs, VG, LV, XFS file system should be observed from the outputs of the
above commands.
Then, unmount XFS on /mnt/xfs1.
# umount /mnt/xfs1
6. Before starting the HA service, logical volume should be deactivated on the active server.
# lvchange an /dev/VGMD1/LVMD1
7. Now start HA service on both servers.
# service modclusterd start
# service rgmanager start
A.7.3. Verification
1. Check that the cluster service is running.
Cluster status should show both servers online. If the cluster is up and running, then go on to the
next step. HA1 is the name of the defined HA service.