White Papers

Dell HPC NFS Storage Solution High Availability Configurations with Large Capacities
IOzone IOPs Random Access (Reads and Writes)
# /usr/sbin/iozone -i 2 -w -r 4k -I -O -w -+n -s 2G -t 1 -+m ./clientlist
By using -c and -e in the test, IOzone provides a more realistic view of what a typical application is
doing. The O_Direct command line parameter allows us to bypass the cache on the compute node on
which we are running the IOzone thread.
B.2. mdtest
mdtest can be downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mdtest/. Version 1.8.3 was used in
these tests. It was compiled and installed on a NFS share that was accessible by compute nodes.
dtest is launched with mpirun. For these tests, MPICH2 version 1.3.2 was used. The following table
describes the mdtest command line arguments.
Number of Processes
Instructs mpirun not to run locally
Tells mpirun where the hostfile is
The directory mdtest should run in
The number of iterations the test will run
Branching factor of directory structure
Depth of the directory structure
Files only at leaf level of tree
Number of files per directory tree
Sync the file after writing
unique working directory for each task
Create files and directories
Randomly stat files
Only stat files and directories
Remove files and directories left over from run