White Papers

Extreme GPU Computing
Page 14
Figure 13: LAMMPS power and relative power consumption compared to CPU-only
Figure 13 shows the power consumption of LAMMPS. The maximum power consumption is in
configuration B, but the difference between configurations B and A is small about 100 watts,
implying that the extra CPU is B is not loaded. In case of LAMMPS, the order of power consumption is as
follows. B > A >= C > D > E.
Overall, the performance of LAMMPS is substantially improved. The total number of GPUs seems to
determine the total acceleration and power consumption. We see up to 16X improvement with only a
2.6X more power consumption. The comparisons in this case are with a dual CPU only configuration.
Obviously, there are a lot other factors can come into play when scaling these results to multiple nodes
GPU direct, interconnect, size of the dataset/simulation are just a few of these.
Four K80 Boards
Two K80 Boards