White Papers

Extreme GPU Computing
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Figure 1: The PowerEdge C4130 server ................................................................................ 3
Figure 2: Block diagram of the four GPU board configurations available on the C4130 ...................... 4
Figure 3: Block diagram of the two GPU board configurations available on the C4130....................... 5
Figure 4: Unique placement of GPUs. Front loading the C4130 with GPU enables cold air to reach the
GPUs first, and keeps GPUs at optimal performance level. ................................................. 6
Figure 5: The K80 GPU board with two internal GPUs connected via a PCIe switch .......................... 7
Figure 6: Measured host-to-device (H2D) bandwidths on various configurations .............................. 8
Figure 7: Measured device-to-host (D2H) bandwidth on various configurations ............................... 8
Figure 8: HPL performance, efficiency and acceleration compared to CPU-only .............................. 9
Figure 9: HPL Power, performance/watt and power consumption compared to CPU-only ................ 10
Figure 10: NAMD performance and acceleration compared to CPU-only ...................................... 11
Figure 11: NAMD power consumption and relative power consumption compared to CPU-only .......... 12
Figure 12: LAMMPS performance and acceleration compared to CPU-only ................................... 13
Figure 13: LAMMPS power and relative power consumption compared to CPU-only ........................ 14
Figure 14: GROMACS performance and acceleration compared to CPU-only ................................. 15
Figure 15: GROMACS power and relative power consumption compared to CPU-only ...................... 16
Figure 16: Comparison of HPL performance between C410X and C4130 with four GPU boards ........... 18
Figure 17: Comparison of HPL performance between C410X and C4130 with two GPU boards ........... 18
Figure 18: Comparison of NAMD performance between C410X and C4130 with four GPU boards......... 19
Figure 19: Comparison of NAMD performance between C410X and C4130 with two GPU boards ......... 19