Quick Reference Guide

PowerConnect B-Series TI24X Configuration Guide 853
Clearing diagnostic buffers
To un-suppress all the suppressed routes, enter the following command at the Privileged EXEC level
of the CLI.
PowerConnect# clear ip bgp damping
Syntax: clear ip bgp damping [<ip-addr> <ip-mask>]
The <ip-addr> parameter specifies a particular network.
The <ip-mask> parameter specifies the network mask.
To un-suppress a specific route, enter a command such as the following.
PowerConnect# clear ip bgp damping
This command un-suppresses only the routes for network
Clearing diagnostic buffers
The Layer 3 Switch stores the following BGP4 diagnostic information in buffers:
The first 400 bytes of the last packet that contained an error
The last NOTIFICATION message either sent or received by the Layer 3 Switch
To display these buffers, use options with the show ip bgp neighbors command. Refer to
“Displaying BGP4 neighbor information” on page 822.
This information can be useful if you are working with Dell Technical Support to resolve a problem.
The buffers do not identify the system time when the data was written to the buffer. If you want to
ensure that diagnostic data in a buffer is recent, you can clear the buffers. You can clear the
buffers for a specific neighbor or for all neighbors.
If you clear the buffer containing the first 400 bytes of the last packet that contained errors, all the
bytes are changed to zeros. The Last Connection Reset Reason field of the BGP neighbor table also
is cleared.
If you clear the buffer containing the last NOTIFICATION message sent or received, the buffer
contains no data.
You can clear the buffers for all neighbors, for an individual neighbor, or for all the neighbors within
a specific peer group.
To clear these buffers for neighbor, enter the following commands.
PowerConnect# clear ip bgp neighbor last-packet-with-error
PowerConnect# clear ip bgp neighbor notification-errors
Syntax: clear ip bgp neighbor all | <ip-addr> | <peer-group-name> | <as-num>
last-packet-with-error | notification-errors
The all | <ip-addr> | <peer-group-name> | <as-num> specifies the neighbor. The <ip-addr>
parameter specifies a neighbor by its IP interface with the Layer 3 Switch. The <peer-group-name>
specifies all neighbors in a specific peer group. The <as-num> parameter specifies all neighbors
within the specified AS. The all parameter specifies all neighbors.