
Virtual Port or Virtual
Port Mode
In the context of Dell Compellent Storage Center, Virtual Ports eliminate the need for reserve
ports. When operating in Virtual Port mode, all front-end ports accept I/O and can be part of
one Fault Domain. For information on enabling Virtual Ports, refer to the Dell Compellent
Storage Center System Setup Guide.
virtual World Wide Port
Name (vWWPM)
A virtual World Wide Port Name used in Dell AIM for creating SAN-booted personas.
Virtualization The ability to use software to share the resources of a single computer or storage device
across multiple environments. A single physical system or device may appear to the user as
multiple virtual systems able to host multiple operating systems.
VMRack A rack of virtual machines (VMs) on a server that is running a combination of agent software
and Red Hat Xen, VMware ESX, or Microsoft Hyper-V.
volume A discrete unit of storage striped to a storage device or devices.
volume collection A number of volumes grouped together for purposes of performing operations on the
volumes simultaneously. See snapshot collection, replica collection.
volume reserve Amount of space allocated to a volume from free pool space. Without thin provisioning,
volume reserve is the same as reported size.
Volume Type In the context of Dell Compellent Storage Center, Volume Type: can be dynamic, Replay
enabled, or Replication. A volume is dynamic until at least one Replay has been taken of that
volume. Once a Replay has been taken of a volume, it becomes Replay Enabled. A
Replication volume is one that is being Replicated to another Dell Compellent Storage Center
vRack In the context of Dell AIM, a logical group of hosts connected to a virtual switch (vRack
vRack switch In the context of Dell AIM, a virtual switch that connects hosts in a vRack.
vWWPN See virtual World Wide Port Name.