
Improving NFS Performance on HPC Clusters with Dell Fluid Cache for DAS
Partitions : Available
Hot Spare Policy violated : Not Applicable
Encrypted : No
Layout : RAID-0
Size : 557.75 GB (598879502336 bytes)
Associated Fluid Cache State : Not enabled
Device Name : /dev/sdb
Bus Protocol : SAS
Media : HDD
Read Policy : Adaptive Read Ahead
Write Policy : Write Back
Cache Policy : Not Applicable
Stripe Element Size : 64 KB
Disk Cache Policy : Disabled
Now create a swap space on the RAID 0.
# mkswap L SWAP /dev/sdb
Turn on swap.
# swapon p 10 /dev/sdb
Edit /etc/fstab and add an entry for this swap device.
“LABEL=SWAP swap swap pri=10 0 0”
Make sure the entry is listed before the default swap space the OS install created.
Test that swap can be enabled automatically when the server boots.
# swapoff –a
# swapon -s
# swapon –a
# swapon –s
5. Configure an ib0 IP-address on the InfiniBand interface. This is the IP the I/O clients will use to
mount the NFS share. It should be on the same subnet as the I/O clients.
Reboot the server for all these changes to take effect.
A.4. Virtual disk configuration
Create a virtual disk on the PowerVault MD1200s. This disk will be used as the NFS storage. All the
commands in this section are executed on the PowerEdge R720 NFS server.
1. Note the controller ID of the PERC H810 adapter. From the output below, the controller ID is 1.
[root@nfs-dfc]# omreport storage controller
List of Controllers in the system
ID : 1