Concept Guide

For more information about Provisioning Server, see the Lifecycle Controller Management profile
document available at
Retire or repurpose the server
By using the Retire or Repurpose feature, you can delete server-related data such as system
configuration, logs, PERC NV cache (if available), and so on. However, an iDRAC license cannot be
deleted by using this feature. Use LC-Remote Services to delete information about the following:
LC Data
Driver Pack
The user information is permanently deleted and you cannot retrieve the information. However, BIOS and
iDRAC remain functional, whereas diagnostics and driver pack can be re-installed.
Managing the web server certificate
By default, a self-signed certificate is available on iDRAC. You can generate a certificate signing request
(CSR) and use the CSR to create a Certificate Authority (CA) signed certificate. To use this feature, the
following methods are introduced in the iDRACCard profile:
The method to support export and import operations are:
Web Server Certificate
CA certificate for Directory Service
Custom Signing Certificate
To use the new certificate, restart the iDRAC. A new method iDRACReset is added for this purpose.
For more information about managing the web server certificate, see the iDRAC Card Profile document
available at
Viewing the managed computer system using the Physical Computer System
Physical Computer System View (PCSV) provides the view of a managed system such as current state and
configuration. You can directly access PCSV using PowerShell commands. Using PCSV you can:
Receive information about the managed elements.
Directly enumerate the CIM_PhysicalComputerSystem from the console without any prior knowledge
of a particular class.
Use a registered profile to enumerate the implemented features.