
Consolidating Oracle Databases on the Dell PowerEdge R820 Server Using Oracle VM
Along with TPS and AQRT, CPU and memory utilization data were also collected during the testing. CPU
utilization data is used to understand the saturation levels of the database server, and indicates how
the server is scaling and delivering for an increasing load. This data is useful when monitoring a system
for performance bottlenecks from a server point of view.
Lastly, power consumption data indicates the level of savings one can achieve by consolidating
PowerEdge 2950 servers to PowerEdge R820.
Performance testing utility
We used Dell Quest Software Benchmark Factory
, a load-generating utility that simulates an OLTP
environment and transactions on a database for a given number of users. This tool can be used to
create database tables, load data into the schema, and stress test the database server. This utility
provides options to simulate standard workloads such as TPC-C, TPC-H, and TPC-E. Based on need, a
user can select the type of workload he wishes to simulate. We chose TPCC which simulates an OLTP
workload. The TPCC workload provided by the Benchmark Factory schema simulates an order entry
system consisting of multiple warehouses. After choosing the workload type, benchmark utility loads
data based on scale factor.
Scale factor
Quest Benchmark Factory
provides an option to load data based on the need. For this the tool offers a
unit called scale factor. When setting up a load test, Benchmark Factory allows changing the scale
factor. This unit determines how many rows of data have to be inserted into the schema. Ultimately
the number of rows contributes to the overall database size. An increase in scale factor allows for
increases in the database size, allowing larger userloads to be used to place a greater stress on the
system under test. Hence scale factor plays a major role in simulating workloads. For example, a scale
factor of 3000 contributes to a database size of ~290GB. Throughout the testing process we have used
3000 scale factor.
Test methodology
Our consolidation study implemented a four-step process:
1. Find the maximum performance delivered by the legacy PowerEdge 2950 III.
2. Find the system behavior of the PowerEdge R820 by simulating a legacy saturated workload
on virtual machine.
3. Find the scalable performance of the PowerEdge R820 by simulating legacy workloads on
multiple VMs.
4. Conduct a comparative analysis of performance between the legacy PowerEdge 2950 III and
that of the PowerEdge R820.
Benchmark Factory for Databases is a database performance testing tool.