CLI Guide

Database Objects With Get and Set
This chapter provides the database groups and objects that must be used with the get or set subcommands. When using the objects,
they must begin with FQDD or FQDD alias.
The set operations for iDRAC, Lifecycle Controller and system objects do not require server restart. However, the set operations for NIC
and BIOS objects are staged and job creation and server restart is required to apply and commit the pending values.
While entering an attribute value that is more than one word, ensure that you enclose the attribute value within single quotation marks
in the set command.
racadm>>set system.thermalsettings.ThermalProfile 'Maximum performance'
racadm set system.thermalsettings.ThermalProfile 'Maximum performance'
Object value modified successfully
The staged configuration has the associated pending value in the output of the get operation, after it is configured successfully.
The object values in the BIOS and NIC groups are case-sensitive.
For NIC objects, the definition of the key format is: Key = <Device Class>.<Locator>.<Device Number>—<Port
Number>[-<Partition Number>]#GroupName” where,
Device Class: NIC
Locator: Integrated, Slot, Mezzanine or Embedded
$racadm get NIC.NICConfig
NIC.NICConfig.1 [Key=NIC.Integrated.1-1#NICConfig]
NIC.NICConfig.2 [Key=NIC.Integrated.1-2#NICConfig]
NIC.NICConfig.3 [Key=NIC.Integrated.1-3#NICConfig]
NIC.NICConfig.4 [Key=NIC.Integrated.1-4#NICConfig]
The link between the NIC instance and the corresponding key varies from system to system depending on the system configuration.
The command racadm help provides a list of all the attributes along with the description.
To view the help details of group level, enter the following command: racadm help <group name>
$racadm help NIC.NICConfig
NICConfig -- (null)
These are the objects supported by the group
BannerMessageTimeout -- Specify the number of seconds that the OptionROM banner is
displayed during POST.
Usage -- Values from 0 - 14
Required License -- RACADM
Dependency -- None
BootOptionROM -- Controls the enablement of legacy Boot Protocols in the
Option ROM.
Usage -- Enabled; Disabled
Required License -- RACADM
Dependency -- None
BootRetryCnt -- Specify the number of retries to attempt in case of boot
Usage -- NoRetry - 0;1Retry - 1; 2Retries - 2;3Retries - 3;4Retries -
Database Objects With Get and Set Commands 229