CLI Guide

Output A message is displayed indicating that the pending state is cleared or deleted.
racadm clearpending NIC.Integrated.1-1
Table 11. Details of closessn attribute
Description Closes a communication session on the device. Use getssninfo to view a list of sessions that can be closed using
this command.
To run this subcommand, you must have the Administrator permission.
NOTE: This subcommand ends all the sessions other than the current session.
racadm closessn –i <session_ID>
racadm closessn -a
racadm closessn -u <username>
—i <session_ID> — The session ID of the session to close, which can be retrieved using RACADM
getssninfo subcommand.
Session running this command cannot be closed.
—a — Closes all sessions.
—u <username> — Closes all sessions for a particular user name.
For Remote RACADM, use either the —u option or the —i option.
Successful or error message is displayed.
Closes the session 1234.
racadm closessn -i 1234
Closes all the sessions other then the active session for root user.
racadm closessn –u root
Closes all the sessions.
racadm closessn –a
Table 12. Details of clrsel attribute
Removes all the existing records from the System Event Log (SEL).
To use this subcommand, you must have Clear Logs permission.
racadm clrsel [-m <module>]
Input -m <module> must be one of the following values:
server-<n> — where n=1 to 16
server-<nx> — where n=1 to 8; x = a, b, c, d (lower case)
RACADM Subcommand Details 49