CLI Guide

-i — The -i <index>, or index option, is valid only for indexed groups and can be used to specify a unique
group (used with -g and -o). The <index> is a decimal integer from 1 through n, where n can vary from 1 to
maximum number of indexes a particular group supports. If -i <index> is not specified, a value of 1 is
assumed for groups, which are tables that have multiple entries. The index is specified by the index value, not a
named value.
'nx' is allowed for servers.
-c — This option performs validation but do not configure.
This subcommand generates error output for any of the following reasons:
Invalid syntax, group name, object name, index or other invalid database members.
If the RACADM command-line interface is unsuccessful.
To configure a single property of a group:
racadm config -g cfgSerial -o cfgSerialBaudRate
Modify a user password:
racadm config -g cfgUserAdmin -o cfgUserAdminPassword -i 3 newpassword
Configure a RAC from a configuration file:
racadm config -f config.txt
Configure a RAC from a configuration file and continue if a group fails to get configured:
racadm set -f config.txt --continue
Table 14. Details of coredump
Description Displays detailed information related to any recent critical issues that have occurred with iDRAC. The
coredump information can be used to diagnose these critical issues.
If available, the coredump information is persistent across iDRAC power cycles and remains available until
either of the following conditions occur:
The coredump information is deleted using the coredumpdelete subcommand.
For more information about clearing the coredump, see the coredumpdelete.
NOTE: To use this subcommand, you must have the Execute Debug privilege.
racadm coredump
racadm coredump
There is no coredump currently available.
racadm coredump
Feb 19 15:51:40 (none) last message repeated 5 times
Feb 19 15:52:41 (none) last message repeated 4 times
Feb 19 15:54:12 (none) last message repeated 4 times
Feb 19 15:56:11 (none) last message repeated 2 times
Feb 22 11:46:11 (none) kernel:
RACADM Subcommand Details 51