Reference Guide

Table 2-2
Command line switches for the Storage Provisioning Option
Returns a 1 if the disk
cannot be configured
because it is in a bad state.
Returns a 0 if the disk is
available for configuration
so that Backup Exec can
use it.
Outputs the properties for
a specified storage array.
Returns a 1 if the
command succeeds or a -1
if the command fails.
-o532View storage array
Lists all the storage arrays.-sa:
Specifies the IDs or the
names of the storage
array. You should separate
the multiple IDs or
multiple names with a
array IDs
array names
Lists all the virtual disks.-vd:
Specifies the IDs or the
names of the virtual disk
on the storage array. You
should separate the
multiple IDs or multiple
names with a comma.
disk IDs
disk names
Configures a virtual disk
on a storage array to use
with Backup Exec. Returns
a 1 if the command
succeeds or a -1 if the
command fails.
-o534Configure a virtual
disk on a storage
Installing and configuring Backup Exec by using the Storage Provisioning Option
About using the Backup Exec Command Line Applet with the Storage Provisioning Option