Owner's manual

Script Commands 163
reset storageArray virtualDiskDistribution
NOTICE: Ensure that the multipath driver is running before you use this command,
or the virtual disk will not be accessible.
NOTE: Under certain host operating system environments, you might be required to
reconfigure the multipath host physical disk. You might also need to make operating
system modifications to recognize the new I/O path to the virtual disks.
Revive Disk Group
This command forces the specified disk group and associated failed physical
disks to the Optimal state. All physical disks assigned to the disk group must
be installed before you attempt to run this command.
NOTICE: Correct use of this command depends on the data configuration on all of
the physical disks in the disk group. Never attempt to revive a physical disk unless
supervised by a Customer or Technical Support representative.
NOTICE: Do not attempt to run this command o a disk group that is in the Degraded
state. Running this command on a disk group that is in the Degraded state can
cause loss of access to the data on the physical disks in the disk group.
revive diskGroup [
Revive Physical Disk
This command forces the specified physical disk to the Optimal state.
NOTICE: Correct use of this command depends on the data configuration on all
physical disks in the disk group. Never attempt to revive a physical disk unless
supervised by a Technical Support representative.
Parameter Description
diskGroup Number of the disk group to be set to the Optimal state. You
must put brackets ([ ]) around the disk group number.