Owner's manual

228 Script Commands
The export command prepares a disk group so that it can be moved from one
enclosure to another. The disk group is in the Exported state and is
unavailable for use once the command has been successfully run.
NOTE: Within the disk group, you cannot move virtual disks that are associated
with the premium features from one storage array to another storage array.
start diskGroup [
] (import |
NOTE: Higher-level virtual disks that are specifically related to premium features
(Snapshot, Remote Virtual Disk Mirroring, Virtual Disk Copy, host-to-virtual disk
mapping, and persistent reservations) are removed as part of the import operation.
NOTE: The show diskGroup importDependencies command must be run before the
start diskGroup import command.
Start Virtual Disk Initialization
This command starts the formatting of a virtual disk in a storage array.
NOTE: Initializing a virtual disk is a long-running operation that you cannot stop.
start virtualDisk [
] initialize
Parameter Description
diskGroupNumber The number of the disk group that you want to import. Enclose
the disk group number in square brackets ([ ]).
Parameter Description
virtualDisk Name of the virtual disk for which to start the formatting. You
must put brackets ([ ]) around the virtual disk name. If the
virtual disk name has special characters, you must also put
quotation marks (" ") around the virtual disk name.