Owner's manual

38 About the Script Commands
nvsram-offset hexadecimal-literal
host-type string-literal | integer-literal
nvsram-byte-setting nvsram-value
(0x hexadecimal | integer-literal)
nvsram-bit-setting nvsram-mask, nvsram-value
(0x hexadecimal, 0x hexadecimal |
ipv4-address (0–255).(0–255).(0–255).(0–255)
ipv6-address (0-FFFF):(0-FFFF):(0-FFFF):
autoconfigure-vols-attr-value-list autoconfigure-vols-attr-value-pair
autoconfigure-vols-attr-value-pair physicalDiskType=physical disk-type|
raidLevel=raid-level |
diskGroupWidth=integer-literal |
diskGroupCount=integer-literal |
hotSpareCount=integer-literal |
NOTE: The physicalDiskType parameter is
not required if only one type of physical
disk is in the storage array. If you use the
physicalDiskType parameter, you must
also use the hotSpareCount and
diskGroupWidth parameters. If you do not
use the physicalDiskType parameter, the
configuration defaults to SAS physical
NOTE: The virtualDisksPerGroupCount
parameter is the number of equal-
capacity virtual disks per disk group.
Table 2-4. Recurring Syntax Elements (continued)
Recurring Syntax Syntax Value