Owner manual

Parameter Description
The alphanumeric identifier (including - and _) of the SSD
cache that you want to locate. Enclose the identifier in
square brackets ([ ]). If the SSD cache name contains
special characters or consists only of numbers, you also
must enclose the identifier in double quotation marks (" ")
inside square brackets.
Cancel Remote Replication Group Role Reversal
This command cancels a pending role reversal operation between remote replication groups.
stop asyncRemoteReplicationGroup ["asyncRemoteReplicationGroupName"] rolechange
Parameter Description
The name of the remote replication group for which you
want to cancel the pending role reversal operation.
Enclose the remote replication group name in square
brackets ([ ]). If the remote replication group name has
special characters, you also must enclose the remote
replication group name in double quotation marks (" ").
Change SSD Cache Application Type
This command changes the application type associated with the SSD cache. The application type can be web server,
database, or multimedia. Changing the application type changes the block size, sub block size, populate on read
threshold, and populate on write threshold for the virtual disks underlying the SSD cache.
set ssdCache [ssdCacheName] usageHint=(webServer|dataBase|fileSystem)