Owner manual

Parameter Description
The alphanumeric identifier (including - and _) of the SSD
cache for which you want to change the application type.
Enclose the identifier in square brackets ([ ]). If the SSD
cache name contains special characters or consists only
of numbers, you also must enclose the identifier in double
quotation marks (" ") inside square brackets.
The values are based on the typical I/O usage pattern of
the application that is using the SSD cache. Valid values
are webServer, dataBase, or fileSystem.
Check Remote Replication Status
NOTE: This command valid only with Fibre Channel storage arrays.
This command returns the status of a remote replication virtual disk. Use this command to determine when the status of
the remote replication virtual disk becomes Optimal.
check remoteReplication localVirtualDisk [virtualDiskName]
optimalStatus timeout=timeoutValue
Parameter Description
The name of any remote replication virtual disk. The
remote replication virtual disk can be the primary virtual
disk or the secondary virtual disk of a remote replication
pair. Enclose the virtual disk name in square brackets ([ ]).
If the virtual disk name has special characters, you also
must enclose the virtual disk name in double quotation
marks (" ").
The time interval within which the software can return the
remote replication virtual disk status. The timeout value is
in minutes.
: This command waits until the status becomes Optimal or the timeout interval expires.