Owner manual

Parameter Description
virtualDisk or virtualDisks Name of the specific virtual disk for which to start a fresh
copy-on-write operation. You can enter more than one
virtual disk name. You must put brackets ([ ]) around the
virtual disk name. If the virtual disk name has special
characters, you must also put quotation marks (" ") around
the virtual disk name.
Name of the snapshot virtual disk. You must put quotation
marks (" ") around the snapshot virtual disk name. If you
enter more than one snapshot virtual disk name, this
command fails.
Percentage of repository capacity at which you receive a
warning that the repository is nearing full. Use integer
values. For example, a value of 70 means 70 percent. The
default value is 50 percent.
NOTE: If warningThresholdPercent is not
specified, the previously set value is used.
Specifies how snapshot processing continues if the
repository is full. You can choose to fail writes to the
source virtual disk (failSourceWrites) or fail writes
to the snapshot virtual disk (failSnapShot). The
default value is
NOTE: If repositoryFullPolicy is not
specified, the previously set value is used.
Additional Information
NOTE: You can use any combination of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores for the names.
Command names can have a maximum of 30 characters. If you exceed the maximum character limit, replace
square brackets ([ ]) with angle brackets (< >) to overcome this limitation.
You can recreate a single snapshot virtual disk or multiple snapshot virtual disks with optional parameters:
If you specify one or more of the optional parameters, the re-create operation processes each snapshot virtual
disk separately.
If you try to use the same user label for more than one virtual disk, the command fails.
If you do not set the warningThresholdPercent parameter or the repositoryFullPolicy
parameter, values that you previously set are used.
You can recreate multiple snapshot legacy virtual disks without optional parameters:
If you list multiple snapshot legacy virtual disks to be re-created but do not specify any of the optional
parameters, the re-create operation processes the snapshot virtual disks as a batch process.
Validation checks for the necessary snapshot-restarted preconditions are performed before restarting any
snapshot. If any of the listed snapshot virtual disks fail the validation, the entire command fails and the snapshot