Owner manual

cannot be resumed, the selected snapshot (legacy) virtual disk reverts to a paused state, and the Needs Attention
condition is displayed.
resume rollback virtualDisk [snapshotVirtualDiskName]
Parameter Description
Specifies the name of the snapshot (legacy) virtual disk for
which you want to resume a rollback operation. Enclose
the snapshot (legacy) virtual disk name in square brackets
([ ]). If the snapshot (legacy) virtual disk name has special
characters, you must also enclose the snapshot (legacy)
virtual disk name in double quotation marks (" ").
Resume Snapshot Virtual Disk
This command resumes a snapshot virtual disk operation that was stopped.
resume snapVirtualDisk [snapVirtualDiskName] snapImage="snapImageName"
Parameter Description
The name of the specific snapshot virtual disk for which
you want to resume a rollback operation. Enclose the
snapshot virtual disk identifier in square brackets ([ ]). If
the snapshot virtual disk identifier has special characters,
you must also enclose the snapshot virtual disk identifier
in double quotation marks (" ").
The name of the snapshot image for which you want to
resume snapshot virtual disk operations. The name of a
snapshot image is comprised of two parts:
The name of the snapshot group
An identifier for the snapshot image in the
snapshot group
The identifier for the snapshot image can be one of these:
An integer value that is the sequence number of
the snapshot in the snapshot group.