Owner manual

Parameter Description
2. You must put brackets ([ ]) around the physical disk
channel number.
Condition of the channel. You can set the channel status
to optimal or degraded.
NOTE: Use the optimal parameter to move a
degraded channel back to the Optimal state. Use the
degraded parameter if the channel is experiencing
problems, and the storage array requires additional
time for data transfers.
Set Physical Disk Hot Spare
This command assigns or unassigns one or more physical disks as a hot spare.
set (physicalDisk [enclosureID,slotID] |
physicalDisks [enclosureID1,slotID1 enclosureID2, slotID2...
hotSpare=(TRUE | FALSE)
Parameter Description
physicalDisk or physicalDisks
The enclosure and the slot where the physical disk
resides. Enclosure ID values are 0 to 99. Slot ID values
are 0 to 31. Enclose the enclosure ID values and the slot
ID values in square brackets ([ ]).
The setting to assign the physical disk as the hot spare. To
assign the physical disk as the hot spare, set this
parameter to TRUE. To remove a hot spare assignment
from a physical disk, set this parameter to FALSE.
Set Physical Disk State
This command sets a physical disk to the Failed state. (To return a physical disk to the optimal state, use the revive
physicalDisk command.)